Dlala Brokerage and Investment Holding Company (Q.S.C.) was established in May 2005, with a paid-up capital of QR 200 million (approx. US$ 55 million). In September 2005, the Company became the first non-banking financial organisation to be listed on Doha Securities Market (DSM) in order to provide brokerage services to investors in equity markets.
Dlala Holding later went on to establish both Dlala Brokerage Company (W.L.L.) and Dlala Islamic Brokerage Company (W.L.L.). Both companies commenced operations in January 2006 and are registered on DSM.
In a short span of time, Dlala Holding has managed to win the confidence of local and regional investors in DSM, thanks to its expertise and experience in brokerage and investment. The investors’ growing confidence is adequately reflected in the evolution of the Company’s operations. Today the Company’s ultimate aim is to help investors to make the most appropriate investment decisions.
Dlala’s current board of directors consists of representatives from leading organisations of the Qatari economy. They are: Pension Fund of the General Retirement & Pension Authority; Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development; Education and Health Fund – Ministry of Finance; QNB; Doha Bank; Commercialbank; International Bank of Qatar; Ahlibank and Amwal. Dlala Holding’s board of directors oversee the strategic administration of all its activities and ensures its conformity with the business practices of leading national organisations.