Dlala Brokerage and Investment Holding Co. announces the results of the EGM. The meeting was held on 27/04/2022 and the following resolution were approved
1. Approval of the proposed amendments to the company’s articles of association in accordance with the provisions of Companies Law No. (8) for the year 2021, which was issued to amend some provisions of the Commercial Companies Law promulgated by Law No. (11) for the year 2015 and published on the company’s website, after obtaining all the necessary regulatory approvals.
2. Approval of the amendment of Article (7) of the Articles of Association to change the name of the founders (the Education and Health Fund of the Ministry of Finance and Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development) to the Qatar Investment Authority to have two seats on the Board of Directors and to submit a recommendation to the Extraordinary General Assembly for approval, after obtaining All necessary regulatory approvals.
3. Approval of the proposal to reduce the company’s capital by 33%, amounting to 93,772,800 Qatari riyals, to extinguish the accumulated losses, so that the proposed capital after the reduction is 190,387,200 Qatari riyals, and the amendment of Article (6) of the articles of association, after obtaining all the necessary regulatory approvals.
4. Authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Directors or his representative to take all necessary measures to amend and document the company’s articles of association with the competent authorities.